Double Button Mat
The Economical Grip Mat for Safer Happier Livestock
Fairfield Double Button Mat is 23mm thick 4-sided interlocking mat: 1m x 1m. Rubber matting with studs on both the surface and underside to provide anti-slip support for hooves. Prominent profile ensures excellent grip providing safety for your animals. Heavy duty rubber made to last.
Simple self installation option. The Double Button Mat is guaranteed against wearing out for 5 years.
Call us for your free consultation and sample request.
The Reason's to Use Double Button
23mm thick 4-sided interlocking mat:
1000 x 1000 x 23mm
Studded base for added comfort
Interlocking Edge
Heavy duty rubber, made to last
Reduces slipping and falls
Improves animal health
Excellent traction
Simple self installation option
Full installation package available across the UK

Milking Parlour Matting
It is critical to provide an anti-slip, comfortable milking platform for cows to stand on during the business end of the process. Our proven high-grip surfaces give cows confidences so they are calmer when standing being milked. Rubber matting is milking parlours ensure's it’s warmer, quieter and more comfortable. This all adds up to improved animal flow, faster milking and increased milk production. Rubber matting is non-conductive and it can help reduce any electrical problems.
Cows are more sure-footed and confident when walking on matting as they enter and exit the milking parlour. The soft rubber matting replicates the grip and give of natural pasture. This relieves stress on your cows leading to less fidgeting, less unpredictable behaviour and improved milk production. And you have a more constant cow flow at the points of entry and exit.
Call us for your free consultation and sample request.